Sunday, March 31, 2013

The Bible Miniseries Episode 3 : To Lead or To Save?

Apologies that we are two weeks behind in our review of The Bible Miniseries as we have been away in Kuching conducting a creation-based youth camp. Still, we continue to find this miniseries a "discerning-stimulating" exercise for us. Movies have a way of bypassing our thinking "filter" and directly influencing one's worldview. This then is the challenge of training our thinking in a visually stimulating world today.

This particular episode is the turning point because it introduces the central focus of Scripture - the coming of the promised Messiah. Now, the presence (or absence) of the redemptive theme of sin, repentance, judgment and forgiveness becomes even more glaring.

So, let's apply the B.I.B.L.E framework for a Biblical worldview...      

(B)lood of Christ
Quoting the narration leading up to the focus on Daniel - "...the Jewish nation needs a different kind of leader to survive in Babylon.." And in the narration leading to the period of the New Testament, the scene was set for a "new King David that will lead them to salvation" (describing Christ). Right throughout this whole miniseries, the focus has been on various situational leadership models, whereas according to Philippians 2:7, Jesus took on the form of a bond-servant. Instead of being the Savior of the World (John 3:17), Jesus is positioned as the someone driven by a purpose to "change the world".  

(I)ntegrity of Character
During the scene where Jesus was baptized by John, two conspicuous signs were missing - the voice of the Father from above and the Spirit of God descending as a dove (Matthew 3:16). Why was the Trinity not presented in its clear form as depicted in the Gospels?

When tempted by Satan in the final temptation, the Jesus in the miniseries had this to say - "Get away from me Satan, I shall worship the Lord my God and serve Him only." This is a contradictory misquote of Matthew 4:10 which states - "Begone, Satan! For it is written, You shall worship the Lord your God, and serve Him only". How can Jesus being the Son of God be worshiping the Lord? In fact, Matthew 22:41-46, Jesus highlighted an interesting parallel - how can the Christ be Lord if He is also the son of David? So, it is clear - Jesus is both Savior and Lord and He does not worship - He is to be worshiped.

(B)asis for Salvation
According this miniseries the prospect of salvation appears to rise and fall with the quality of leadership. When Jesus recruited Simon Peter by demonstrating His control over nature, the appeal was to "change the world" - be an agent of change! However, Luke 5:8 records that Simon Peter hardly felt like a "world changer" - in fact, it  witnessing the miracle of the supernatural fish catch, Peter stated - "Depart from me, for I am a sinful man..."

The basis for salvation is not leadership works, rather it is forgiveness obtained through the shedding of blood from a perfect, sinless person - Jesus Christ.

(L)aw of God
Daniel's three friends was depicted as being more righteous than he is - when confronted with the compromising choice of bowing down to the image of King Nebuchadnezzar. Whereas in Daniel 3:1-30, it is evident that Daniel was not around when this incident happened (perhaps he was away on official business). We have to remember that later on, this is the same Daniel that stood firm for his right to pray despite the threat to his life.

(E)nd Times/Prophetic Consistency 
Matthew 2:16 states that King Herod estimated that the age of the Messiah could not be more than two years old - based on the information given by the Magi (wise men). So, the visitation of the wise men was not at the manger - in fact, Matthew 2:11 shows that the visitation took place in "the house". Also, the escape to Egypt did not happen immediately after the birth of baby Jesus. Hence, the scene of so many people congregating at the manger looks more like a Christmas play rather than a reflection of reality.

We congratulate the producers of The Bible Miniseries for creating an engaging watch, yet there remains such a subtle shift of emphasis from the redemptive theme that it becomes nothing more than a series of leadership lessons. The scarlet thread of Christ's blood, the beautiful story of salvation woven into every book of the Bible, is missing in the miniseries. Jesus Christ came into the world not to improve our leadership skills or inspire us to change the world, rather to save us from our sins

The very first message Jesus preached was not "change the world" but "repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand" (Matthew 4:17).

--Joseph & Eliza.

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