Saturday, March 9, 2013

The Bible Miniseries Episode 1: Ninja Angels and Visionary Leaders

With the screening of the inaugural episode of “The Bible” miniseries on the History Channel, we were all ready for this epic which states right in the beginning – “This program is an adaptation of Bible stories. It endeavors to stay true to the spirit of the book”. As we were watching, the scenes and portrayal was so engaging that we had to quickly grab our Bibles and keep asking ourselves the question – “Did this really happen?”

Here are the BIG QUESTIONS :

  1. Should we watch this epic miniseries for historical accuracy or “spirit of the book” enjoyment? Could we fall into the tendency to nitpick by judging this series by the “letter of the law”?
  2. What then about God’s character (the formal word is theology – the study of God)? Is this aspect portrayed clearly and accurately?
Here come the BIG ANSWERS :

  1. It is clear that the emphasis of this series is on the major characters of the Bible (Noah, Abraham, Moses for episode one) – so, the point of identification with the viewers is exceptionally strong and appealing because as you view their struggles, you may be repeating to yourself – “Hey, I was like that once..” or “I would feel same way as well”. So, we enjoy watching it from this perspective because it is “personable”. Hence, we can infer that is in line with the "spirit of the book" emphasis of this miniseries.

    On the other hand, we may question the accuracy of certain portrayals: Children (instead of adult sons & daughters-in-law) on Noah's ark, Angels that act like Ninjas, the omission of any reference to the sin of homosexuality in Sodom, and a Lamb stuck in the thicket instead of a Ram caught in the thicket by his horns. Should we excuse all these details since "The Bible" miniseries is an adaptation rather than a verse-by-verse retelling? Or should these questionable details be a cause for concern? With the written Word of God as our reference point, we as discerning believers ought to be aware of inconsistencies. However, we do need to avoid the other extreme of legalistic, unsubstantiated nitpicking.

  2. We enjoyed watching “The Bible” – no doubt about it. Great entertainment value and overall, it brings to life many aspects of Scripture that many (especially non-believers) would not have read on their own. Hopefully, this miniseries will create enough curiosity for viewer to go on to the “real stuff” which is the words of Scripture itself.

    Addressing the question of theology, how is God involved in this miniseries? References in episode one to "Abraham's dream", "Abraham's covenant with God", etc appear to give center stage to a man-centric leadership. Often, God is portrayed as the Originator of the vision but the man is the one who casts and implements the vision. Certain phrases - "Trust in God", "God is with us" - are constantly repeated as an affirmation to the man's leadership. While we do not disagree with the overall message of these phrases, we have to bear in mind that God is the Author and Finisher of His Covenant with His people. Fundamentally, it is man's obedience, not his leadership which makes all the difference.

    While there is obviously the creative license in producing the cinematic flow, we were thinking – What sort of filter should we have when watching? Shouldn't we be on guard against “every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God”? What should be the framework to “bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ”? (2 Corinthians 10:5)

    How do we as believers who desiring “strong meat” exercise our senses to discern both good and evil (Hebrews 5:14) and be like the Bereans who search the Scriptures when Paul preached (Acts 17:10-11). So, here’s a helpful handle to help you “bereanize” your thinking and "bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ" while watching “The Bible” miniseries :
B lood of Christ – The redemptive link throughout history.
I ntegrity of Character – The right depiction of God’s consistent character.
B asis for Salvation – The obtaining of it by grace through faith, not of works.
L aw of God – The reality of sin and its serious consequences.
E nd Times Consistency – The fulfilment of prophecies and signs.

We will be using the above B.I.B.L.E. worldview to help us dissect the upcoming episodes of "The Bible" miniseries. Stay tuned....

--Joseph & Eliza.

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